Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Special BBS distribution package. You must have both ZPAY3-1.ZIP and
ZPAY3-2.ZIP in order to use this package. Disregard any reference to
the INSTALL program in the manual "ZPAY3.DOC" as that only applies to
the "Disk Vendor" and "Registered" disk sets.
ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc. May be reached at:
ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc.
2526 69th Avenue South
St. Petersburg, FL 33712
VOICE:(813) 866-8233
FAX: (813) 866-8034
Compuserve 70040,645
Technical Support is located at 1-900-88-HELP-8
***Users of the ZPAYII Payroll System***
If you're a user of the ZPAYII system and upgrading to ZPAY 3 we
strongly advise you to run ZPAY 3's tutorial from the manual using
the sample data files before running a real payroll. There are
many different commands, and not being familiar, you can ruin your
old data files.
***Additions to ZPAY 3 Manual:***
***NEW Nontaxable Deduction for in addition to 401k Plans and such***
Deduction number 2 can also be used as a nontaxable deduction. This is
used for nontaxable deductions that do not require reporting on the W2.
You should consult with a tax lawyer or knowledgeable CPA in setting up any
nontaxable plans to find out what the tax requirements are for the different
***Using checks other than the recommended checks for ZPAY 3***
Many have asked if they could use another standard check with the bottom for
the details rather than the checks we designed ZPAY 3 around. We have added
an option for printing on checks with the plain bottom as well as the
standard 1013 checks that ZPAY 3 uses. The area format is the same as the
1013 checks except that the top and bottom have been reversed in printing
position. We still recommend the 1013 checks for best appearance.
***SDI Tax "name" Changing***
Since all states don't use the SDI tax and we've had requests to allow the
user to change the name of this tax on the reports and screens, the feature
has been added. You can change the three character designation from SDI to
any three letter designation you'd like. Note: This deduction appears in
block 18 of the W2 form.
***941 Form Quarterly Report***
The 941 worksheet report is a sub-menu selection from the Quarter menu
selection in the reports module.
The new 941 form worksheet report in the Quarterly Reports menu requires
some explanation.
This report uses data that is written to disk when you perform the
payrolls during a quarter.
The Prepare function while entering payroll data checks to see if
the file <filename>.941 exists on the first payroll of a new quarter.
If it does, ZPAY 3 deletes the old file and starts you off fresh.
The Post routine now besides posting the payroll to the MTD, QTD and
YTD figures also writes the data to the <filename>.941 file. The format
of the file is:
<repeated then for each payroll run in a quarter>
These lines explained:
1. The date of the payroll.
2. Gross wages subject to federal tax.
3. Federal tax withheld.
4. Gross wages subject to FICA wages.
5. Gross wages subject to FICA tips.
6. Gross wages subject to Medicare wages.
7. FICA and Medicare withheld times 2 (what you have paid).
8. FICA, Medicare & Federal total (what you have paid).
As long as you have all of the quarters payrolls run through the system,
and you did not change any payroll information by editing the employee
files, this will create the proper 941 form information.
If you had to edit or change payroll data by editing employee figures,
you would have to edit the appropriate payroll in the <filename>.941 file.
This file is an ASCII file and can be edited using a text editor.
On the report if there is a figure besides zero for Box number 9, you
should also print on your 941 form the small note that follows that
figure on our worksheet. This should be printed in the border next to
the Box 9 figure.
***Payroll History File***
This report *REQUIRES* that you have a wide carriage printer or a LaserJet
or compatible printer.
The reports menu selection from the main menu now has two sub-menu selections.
One is Reports which takes you to the reports module and the other is
History. The History selection will allow you to print payroll information
of past payrolls. This new item requires some explanation.
Because tracking of all payroll information in a history file will require
added disk space, we've made this function an option. To turn the option
on, enter the employer edit screens in the edit module. On page one, there
is a question at the bottom of the screen. "Do you want ZPAY 3 to keep a
history file?" If you do, enter a "Y" as your response.
If you don't want to keep a history file, you can free up some disk space
by deleting the file ZHISTORY.EXE in the ZPAY 3 directory. Only do this
if you elect not to use this feature.
The History file is updated each time you run the payroll and Post routine.
This is in the Pay module after entering the Prepare and Enter selections.
If you did not answer "Y" in the screen mentioned above, this file will not
be created and/or updated. Three files are created:
The <filename> being the name of the "work file" that you are using for
When you use the end of year "REWORK" routine, this file will be deleted
and you will start fresh on the new year payroll.
Printing the reports is by selecting the History sub-menu selection from
the Reports menu selection of the main menu.
You will be asked if you want the print order sorted by code or name. This
is the same as all of the other reports. Depending on if you selected
code or name, the next screens appearance will differ. If you selected
code, you can limit the selection to one employee by entering that employees
code number. If you selected by name and wanted a report for only a single
employee, you would enter his/her last name and first name exactly as it
is in the database. An example would be ZPAY 3's author's name: MAYER for
the last name and PAUL J. for the first. To print all employees, leave the
name or code empty.
Next is the dates that you want this report for. There is a start printing
with and end printing with entry. Note that we require you to enter the
dates as year, month and date in the format YY/MM/DD. This is very important
in order for the selection of records to be made for the report.
***Tax Tables For Oklahoma***
Oklahoma is one of those states that does not compute under our normal
state tax table structure. Just like California, we've made the last
screen in the edit routines special to Oklahoma. Once you've entered OK
as the state abbreviation, the edit screen will be turned on. The
information for this screen is found in the Oklahoma tax booklet.
***Tax Tables On Disk***
All of the state tax tables are on distribution disk number three for
5.25 size disks and two for 3.5 size disks. You can use the ZPAY 3
"Copy state tax" menu selection in the Edit main menu under Tax to copy
your state to your work file. Simply insert the disk in your floppy drive.
Assuming you have it in the A: drive for this example, you should select
Tax, then Copy state tax and when it prompts for the file name to copy
from press the F1 key. This will pop up the pick list for copying the
tax files. Move the highlight marker to the A: drive selection and press
enter. You will be shown all of the state tax files. Move the high-
light marker to the state you want and press enter. This will paste the
file name into the "copy from" request. Press enter again. You will now
be prompted for the file name to copy the file to. Look at the work file
name above and to the left of the menu. This is the name you want. An
example is if it shows "Work file: C:\ZPAY3\ZPAY", you would enter it as
C:\ZPAY3\ZPAY and press enter to copy the file. That's all there is to it,
and you can now look at the information in the state tax table edit screens.